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Employment law updates

  • 1 September: Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023

This Act gives workers with unpredictable hours or working times the right to make a formal application to make their working pattern more predictable. The right will also apply to workers on fixed-term contracts of less than 12 months.

The measures in the Act are expected to come into force via secondary legislation in September 2024.  ACAS will produce a Code of Practice on making and handling requests.

  • 1 October: Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023

Changes are coming to the hospitality sector, with new legislation shaping how businesses allocate tips. The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023, also known as TRONC legislation, is set to come into force from 1st October 2024. Check out our guide to what this means for your business.

  • 26 October: Worker Protection Act 

New legislation ensuring employers will have a duty to take ‘reasonable steps’ to prevent sexual harassment of their employees.

If HR Optimisation can help you in preparing for any of these upcoming changes please don’t hesitate to get in touch on